
MecklerMedia and 3DPI to Host 3D Print Week New York

3D printing has established such a broad base in New York City that, now, an entire week will be devoted to the technology.  MecklerMedia Corporation has announced the creation of 3D Print Week, co-produced by 3D Printing Industry, to take place April 13-17, 2015 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, as well as other venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

3D Print Week New York from MecklerMedia Inside 3D Printing copy

In addition to the now annual NYC Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo at the Javits Center, the media company will be hosting a series of events and activities throughout New York.  Included in the series is the 3D Print Design Show, which will encompass the 3D Print Art Show and the 3D Print Fashion Show.  The Design Show will display 3D printed art, fashion, and product designs from a wide array of artists and companies.  Admission to these events will be completely free for attendees.

More exciting may be the fact that it’s free to display at the event, as well.  For 3D printing artists and designers, there’s no charge for a 10′ x 10′ booth, an amazing deal for publicity that I almost can’t wrap my head around.  And, if you don’t quite have enough designs to fill an entire booth, you can also submit your work to be displayed in collective plexiglass cases.  Alan Meckler, CEO of MecklerMedia, has said that there will be a “3D Print At-Home” portion of the Design Show, as a venue for those who have printed works on their own desktop 3D printers.

3d print week new york produced by mecklermedia and 3D printing industry

As a co-producer of the event, 3DPI will be there so that you can meet our lovely mugs in person.  You may even see a piece or two from 3DPI members in the 3D Print Design Show displays right alongside your own artwork.  To display your work, contact [email protected] and visit the 3D Print Week New York website for more information.

You can bet that some big 3D printing locals will be hosting their own events as part of 3D Print Week New York.  If you’d like to be one of them, contact [email protected].

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