3D Printers

Illois Launches Fully Assembled Photon DLP 3D Printer

As DLP/SLA printers begin to become more popular and visible, the price point will hopefully begin to drop significantly along with all other desktop 3D printers by the end of this year.  This would have a user-friendly effect: printing material will become cheaper, software will become more versatile, and 3D printers will have an upgraded standard of quality.  We may even start to see a increase in modular features across the 3D printing hardware landscape.  Fitting into this coming landscape, in some ways, is the Ilios Photon DLP 3D printer.

ilios photon dlp 3D printer

Although the 3D printer was not intended to be modular, its design is flexible enough to allow for custom modifications.  Using a single DLP projector and a series of UV Enhanced Aluminum mirrors, the Photon redirects the DLP light under the Build VAT. Ilios also adds that the machine’s Dual Side Lift mechanism “provides excellent durability and stability during a print cycle.” And the lift features a mesh surface, which facilitates reliable adhesion of prints to the lift plate.

ilios photon 3D printer features

The Illois Photon 3D printer has adopted some of the features from the company’s DIY SLA 3D printer, the Ilios HD Kit.  One of these features is a sliding mechanism that allows the user to remove the VAT, without disassembling the sliding fixtures. The VAT  can be taken out of its metal sliding frame by releasing the mounting clamps. Though this is probably a better fit for hardcore makers and mechanical engineers, it may be worth it to check out the Ilios Custom Kit, to see if a customized version fits your needs.

Additionally, the amount of resins the company has for sale include 3DM-ABS, which was designed to simulate ABS filament, 3DM-CAST specifically designed for direct investment casting and lost wax casting, as well as mixable opaque pigments and translucent dyes for easy color mixing.

The 3D printer is assembled and tested before shipment, but the DLP projector costs €625, bringing the total price up to €3,550, or $4,060 USD.  All that is needed is a PC and a simple to use DLP control software.

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