I’ve been away from 3DPI for a while because I was asked to Co-Chair REAL 2016, a unique 3D technology event happening on March 8th and 9th at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. The reason I t…
3DPI Revisits: Breakthrough! Layerless 3D Printing! 25-100x Faster Prints!
Winding down the 2015 year, 3DPI is revisiting some of its most popular and important stories from the year. These are the stories that revealed insights into the 3D printing industry, had some cute a…
A Trip to Stratasys Yields Report on 3D Printing's Imminent Impact
Stratasys Direct Manufacturing held a media summit at its Austin, Texas headquarters earlier this year, and they have produced an interesting 3D printing study using information gathered directly from…
3D Printed Trachea is a Breath of Fresh Air for 6-Year-Old's Surgical Prep
Six-year-old Katie Parke suffers from pulmonary alveolar proteinosis – a rare condition which causes a buildup of sand-like particles in the alveoli (microscopic air sacs responsible for gas exchange …
3D Printing Fills in the Ceratopsian Time Void with Restored Dino Skeleton
The youngest dinosaur fossil known to the world of science is that of a Triceratops, found in Montana. That specific skeleton belonged to one of the last living dinosaurs to walk the Earth, before the…
Senvol Database: The Gift that Keeps on Giving Adds 100+ Industrial 3D Printers
Straight outta New York City!! Senvol is one of my favorite 3D printing startups in the whole industry. Why? Basically, because they so clearly want to help move the industry forward. They are an an…
3D Central VA: the Birth of a Cool, New 3D Printing Shop in Richmond
Richmond, Virginia is my kind of town. The streets aren’t littered with Starbucks and, most days, you end up frequenting several local spots to take care of your daily needs. Sometimes, for some of y…
New Nylon Filament From 3D Systems Is Here, Now Let's Mess With It!
3D Systems announced an expansion of it’s PlasticJet Printing material portfolio to include Nylon for the company’s flagship CubePro 3D printers. An engineering-grade performance material …
SOLIDWORKS, Entrepreneurship and FAB11: Celebrating The Global Maker Movement
Did you know that there are over 550 Fab Labs in 55 countries? The knowledge sharing network of educators, technologists, Makers, tinkerers, hackers and researchers prides itself on having the abilit…
Preventing Failed 3D Prints: You, Too, Can Be a Part of the Solution
When you are trying to get a print right and the nozzle clogs, it is pretty frustrating. When you are trying to print a large object and you fail on hour 35, it can make you want to throw your 3D pri…