One of the themes at this month’s SOLIDWORKS World 2018, was the growing eco-system around 3D printing. Bolstering the adoption of advanced manufacturing, Dassault Systèmes used SWW18 to launch the 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace.
Marketplace is part of the 3DEXEPERIENCE platform and connects 50 digital manufacturers with customers who require objects on demand. The platform encompasses all means of digital manufacturing, from 3D printing through to laser cutting and injection molding, fulfilling a clear demand for 3D service price comparison sites.
Describing the service Bernard Charlès, Vice Chairman and CEO of Dassault Systèmes, says, “…the 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace transforms the supply chain into a value chain: a single, virtual, social enterprise, pioneering a new way to do business, innovate, and create value in industry,”
“Online platforms and marketplaces have already transformed retail, transportation and hospitality services,” he adds.
“Get ready—the industrial world is next.”
3DEXPERIENCE is Dassault Systèmes’ on-site and cloud-based software solution for businesses that require 3D design. The software program incorporates apps for content & simulation, information intelligence, social collaboration, and 3D modelling, served by the broad range of Dassault Systèmes programs, including familiar 3D design software SOLIDWORKS and CATIA.
The 3DEXPERIENCE product range serves as a base for the new on-demand Marketplace.
Spare parts and demand
Dassault’s 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace is split into two services, 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace Make and 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace PartSupply.
Marketplace Make is the on demand aspect of the platform, where customers can identify an appropriate industrial service partner from manufacturers in the U.S., Europe and Asia. The current list of 50 service partners includes Protolabs, Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, FIT Additive Manufacturing and 3D Systems On Demand Manufacturing. Combined, these service providers offer the power of more than 500 machines.
3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace PartSupply is a comprehensive catalog of digital, sourceable components. An online search tool, PartSupply lists 30 million 3D files, guaranteed for manufacture with a chosen method. Editing these files to meet certain specifications is also made easy by SOLIDWORKS and CATIA compatibility.
Sustainable innovation
The 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace on the whole is designed to reduce risk and errors in digital manufacturing processes, and streamline the production process by managing transaction details.
Xometry, an online quoting platform for mechanical and industrial engineering, is also to become a part of Marketplace Make in the future. The U.S. platform will bring with it a roster of 800 partners.
3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace partner Protolabs is sponsoring the 2018 3D Printing Industry Awards design competition. Submit your entries now. You can also make your nominations here.
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Featured image shows Dassault Systemes Design in the Age of Experience. Photo by Michael Petch.