A couple of weeks back, I wrote about the Snappy, a new RepRap 3D printer that consists of over 70% 3D printable parts. As the RepRap project’s stated goal is to eventually develop a fully self-…
Vulcanus is All Grown Up with the Vulcanus Max RepRap 3D Printer
The beauty of the RepRap community is in the ability of its users to collaborate, share, and enhance the ideas of one another. It’s a community where a 16-year-old can design and build a low-cos…
3D Printing Walk-Through: A Fun & Addictive LED Project for All Levels
I’m always looking for 3D printing projects that I can use directly with friends, family or clients. It’s important to showcase the diverse range of applications that technology has, espec…
3D Roundhouse Makes 3D Modeling Fun for the Whole Family
Building a 3D printer has been touted as a great family activity, which it is for some families. Now, 3D Roundhouse is looking to make 3D modeling a family affair, as well. I had the opportunity to sp…
The M3D Micro, the First True Consumer 3D Printer
After the most successful 3D printing-related Kickstarter ever ($3.4 million), M3D recently announced a fully-fledged retail version of their Micro 3D Printer. This past weekend at the Maker Faire NY,…
ZMorph Brings Hybrid 3D Printing to the US Market
Over the weekend, at World Maker Faire NYC, I had the opportunity to meet with the CEO of ZMorph, Przemek Jaworski, and check out their awesome desktop fabricating platform. Their ZMorph 2.0 S Fabrica…
The Future of 3D Printing is Present at the 6th Annual Maker Faire NYC
Over the weekend, the New York Hall of Science played host to the 6th annual Maker Faire. Billed as “The Greatest Show & Tell on Earth,” the Make Faire is a collection of some of the g…
Who Doesn't Want a 3D Printed Figure of Their Pet?
I love the idea of having a 3D figurine of my pets. As any pet owner can attest to, pets are an integral part of the family. While some people may just want a fun keepsake, for others, a statue is a w…
Julia Koerner's 3D Printed Fashion Swims in from the Sea
As much as I love 3D printing and tout its numerous applications, thus far I have been rather skeptical about 3D printed fashion. While 3D printing can be great for accessories and jewelry, clothes ar…
RepRap Snappy is the Most 3D Printable 3D Printer Yet
The open source RepRap project was established with the goal of, one day, creating a 3D printer capable of 3D printing all of the parts necessary to building an exact replica. While we may still be a …