3DP Applications

3D Printed Ladybug Keyboard from ODD Guitars and 3D Systems

There’s not one person who doesn’t like bugs crawling all over their stuff and that’s why ODD Guitars, famous for their 3D printed guitars proudly displayed and played at every 3D Systems expo booth, has made a 3D printed keyboard case covered in ladybugs.

Ladybug 3D Printed Keyboard ODD Guitars 3D Systems

The keyboard is a Yamaha P35 digital piano with a 3D printed case made via SLS on an sPro 230 SLS system. Printed in white Duraform PA nylon, the .01mm layer thickness demonstrates the fine resolution of 3D Systems SLS machines. While I don’t personally fancy bugs crawling all over my stuff, I do think this is a very cute application of 3D printing technology that has a lot of potential to yield some sweet-looking, custom-designed keyboards. I can already see Prince ordering something in purple nylon with his symbol in gold emblazoned on the front. What am I thinking? That’s too simple. Prince would have the whole keyboard shaped like his symbol. He can thank me later. I’ve posted pics of the Ladybug 3D-printed Keyboard below:

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The Ladybug keyboard from ODD will go great alongside their Hive 3D printed basses and Spider LP guitars at the 3D Systems booth at your next local (or global) tech event.

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