3D Printers

A 3D Printed Domo-Inspired Case for Raspberry Pi B+

The Raspberry Pi B+ is finally out, with 14 more pins, two more USB ports, lower power consumption, and an overall improved layout and electronics.  The powerful, yet tiny computer will make for all sorts of awesome projects, but, as with its predecessors, you may want to procure or create a case to protect it.  Anticipating just such a need, Adafruit has you covered with a 3D printed Domo-inspired enclosure.

gluing 3D printed teeth onto raspberry pi b+ case

Over at the Adafruit Learning System, Noe Ruiz takes you through the process of creating your own custom enclosure for the Raspberry Pi B+.  While he offers the company’s own 3D printable, Domo-inspired design as an example case for the tiny computer, he also gives helpful tips on how to make your own, if you’re handy with 3D modeling tools, like 123D Design.  So, on the one hand, users can head to Thingiverse, download the Domo case and 3D print it in three parts.  Ruiz has printed the teeth of the lil monster separately in transparent PLA filament, which he then glues to its face, printed in orange.  With a dual extruder, you can do this in one step, without glue!

3D printed raspberry pi b+ model

Not a fan of cute monster faces? You can design and 3D print your own case.  And, to ensure that your design matches the dimensions of the B+, elsondesigns on Thingiverse has created a 3D printable mock up of the Pi computer.  That way, you can 3D print a model Raspberry Pi B+ around which to test your enclosure.  Then, when you’re done, you can trick your niece or nephew into thinking you got them a miniature super computer for the holidays.  Nope, little kid! That’s just a prop!

You can watch Ruiz give an overview of the project in the video below:

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