The consumer 3D printing market is developing in many ways that are reminiscent of the consumer videogame market. Both are advanced technologies that have become or are becoming accessible to a larger number of people. Proponents of both, also, see the key to future growth as being – quite literally – in the hands of children, tomorrow’s adults. However, while videogame makers took over 30 years to realize that being accessible to children and the elderly meant being accessible to enormous numbers of potential customers, some 3D printing companies have come to the same realization after just a couple of years in the business. [Ed: A number of people have been saying it for a lot longer than that!]
This is the case for Doodle3D, a very basic Wi-Fi box and sketching tool that launched last April through a Kickstarter campaign. Rick Companje, of FabLab Amersfoort, created it to give everyone — especially children and people not entirely comfortable with technology — the possibility to truly create something from scratch using a 3D printer.
Now, Ultimaker, one of the leading consumer 3D printing manufacturers, has married this concept and has begun (last February 7th) to offer the Doodle3D Wi-Fi box together with the Ultimaker Original DIY Kit for €995. Not bad, considering that, together with user friendliness, the steepest barrier of entry in 3D digital creativity is price point. Going below the €1000 threshold for a complete design-to-production package is quite inviting, not just for kids and the elderly either.
The Doodle3D Wi-Fi box connects to the Ultimaker 3D printer and wirelessly launches an App that allows anyone to make a drawing on any tablet, smartphone or computer using a recent web browser. After the drawing is completed, all the author needs to do is just press the print button to see it take a physical 3D shape right in front of his or her eyes. If no local 3D printer is available the printable file can be saved or even sent to another 3D printer over the Web.
The bundle offer, valid until the end of this month or until supplies last, means savings of €400 off normal retail price of the two items. After that ends, however, it will still be possible to purchase the Doodle3D Wi-Fi box from Ultimaker’s webshop. Here is a (really) short video to familiarize yourself with how it works.