
Titomic and TAUV sign $1.8 million MoU to 3D print UAV’s and soldier systems

Titomic Limited, a Melbourne-based manufacturer of metal AM systems, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the TAUV, a company applying additive manufacturing to applications including smarter armour for defence, law enforcement and civil industry.

The $1.8 million deal will see the two companies manufacture Unmanned Armed Vehicles (UAV), soldier systems, and soldier sensors, using 3D printing technology. 

Jeffery Lang, Titomic’s founder, was recently appointed as the company’s Managing Director. Regarding the MoU, Lang explained, “this MoU with TAUV provides the first significant revenue for Titomic.”

“The granting of an exclusive license to TAUV for the production of soldier systems further validates Titomic’s licensed CSIRO patents as a viable additive manufacturing process that enables Australian companies to manufacture cutting-edge products with competitive advantages for the global market.”

Force Ordnance, an Australian defense and law enforcement solutions provider, will also be part of the project

3D printed UAV’s and soldier systems

In September, Titomic and TAUV worked on a ruggedized drone prototype. The latest MoU is essentially an extension of the same project. The project is now divided into three phases. The completion of the ruggedized drone prototype marked the end of Phase I. 

In Phase II, a feasibility report by Titomic will highlight the mechanical properties and cost-efficiency of its TFK technology. The report will also include proofs of concept prototypes.

Engineering and manufacturing process will begin with Phase III. Titomic will design and manufacture soldier systems, a collection of devices such as the helmet-mounted display, body armor, and communication equipment. These will be five different products with $300,000 per product cost.

Nathan Kalisch, the Director of TAUV said, “the soldier system products produced by Titomic’s TKF process will enhance the offering to defense and law enforcement agencies through improved strength, functionality and capability. A new ruggedized UAV will be capable of deployment in dangerous, live combat situations to perform some of the direct combat roles we want to remove military personnel from heightening their security.”

Titomic CTO Jeff Lang (left), TAUV Founder Nathan Kalisch (centre), Titomic CEO Gilbert Michaca (right) holding the 3D printed titanium UAV prototype. Photo via Titomic.
Titomic CTO Jeff Lang (left), TAUV Founder Nathan Kalisch (centre), Titomic CEO Gilbert Michaca (right) holding the 3D printed titanium UAV prototype. Photo via Titomic.

Titomic Kinetic Fusion

The Titomic Kinetic Fusion (TKF) is Titomic’s proprietary additive process. It uses cold-gas spraying of titanium and titanium alloy particles to fuse dissimilar metals and produce strong structures without melting.

TKF is exclusively marketed by Titomic under the patent terms of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), an Australian government initiative responsible for bringing 3D printing courses to Australian Universities.  

Earlier this year, Titomic partnered with Fincantieri Australia, a shipbuilding company, to explore the potential of TKF for the marine industry.

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Featured image shows the Titomic Kinetic Fusion 3D printer. Photo via Titomic

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