Russian handheld 3D scanner developer Thor3D has added a new device to its portfolio. Introduced at TCT Asia in Shanghai, the Calibry is created to scan historically challenging objects, and is the first offering from Thor3D to use its own proprietary camera.
“We named the scanner Calibry because the device is small and fast like a hummingbird which is also known as Colibri,” said Anna Zevelyov, CEO of Thor3D, “We also intentionally called it ‘cAlibry’ instead of ‘cOlibri’, because it echoes the word ‘calibrated’, meaning precise and accurate.”
“I am confident that this device will be very popular with engineers, medical practitioners and educators because it is affordable, easy to use and can scan objects that were difficult to scan before.”
Thor3D – capture anything
Thor3D was founded in 2015 and operates from two sites, one in Dusseldorf, Germany, and the other in Moscow, Russia. It is the producer of the Drake 3D scanner, a wireless, handheld device with interchangeable lenses, allowing the capture of a variety of different objects. The company has three patents in place for its technology, including RU164082U1 “The device monitoring linear dimensions of three-dimensional objects” (translated from original Russian). This IP specifically relates to a method and device using projected light to determine the dimensions of an object. The patented equipment also includes an internal computer monitor, which is one the USPs of Thor3D scanners.
Avian abilities in a 3D scanner
The Calibry is a handheld device for capturing medium, e.g. human busts, car engines, and large objects, e.g. full body scans and entire cars. It is installed with Thor3D’s new patent-pending 2.5 mp texture camera technology, which is capable of collecting up to 3 million data points per second. The Calibry has a scanning accuracy up to 0.1mm, and produces a resolution of up to 0.3mm. As with its predecessors, the device has an in-built touchscreen for viewing and processing scan data.
In comparison to the Drake, the Calibry is only one third as heavy, weighing just 700g to Drake’s 2.3 kg. The company also promises the ability to capture black and reflective objects with the device, surfaces that typically prove tricky to some 3D scanners.
The Calibry retails for €4,990 in Europe, $5,790 in North America and ¥39,990 in Asia. Shipments of the device will be made from Thor3D in Germany, and are scheduled to begin June 3, 2019.
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Featured image shows Calibry 3D scanner branding. Image via Thor3D