3D Printers

The Reviews Are In: Preet Jesrani Likes the ZYYX 3D Printer

With the countless desktop 3D printers on the market, it can be difficult to know which are reliable, high quality machines and which are just jumping onto the 3D printing bandwagon.  For that reason, 3DPI is always looking for new 3D printer reviews (you’re invited to submit yours!).  Recently, the ZYYX, a Swedish-designed, Chinese manufactured, 3D printer was released and promised a number of features meant to make desktop 3D printing as painless as possible. The plug-n-play printer uses a bed-leveling probe, a specialty hotend, and an enclosed print area to create objects with z-layer thicknesses down to 50 microns and a carbon air filter to protect users from noxious ABS fumes. Fortunately, we’ve heard from Preet Jesrani, President of 3D printer retailer DesignBox3D, who has recently reviewed the ZYYX 3D printer and he’s offered to share the review with us here.


Preet says that, in seeking out printers to sell on DesignBox3D, he looks for “rugged, reliable, dependable and feature-laden desktop 3D printers, designed for high performance professional use.” In seeking out these machines, he tests out many of the printers released on a regular basis and, as a result, now sells printers from Type A Machines, Felix Printers, MakerBot, Ultimaker, AirWolf3D, and Afinia. Coming off the phone with Preet, it really sounds like DesignBox3D tries to give an objective take on the machines they review to 1.) allow DesignBox to sort through the countless printers on the market and 2.) to supply quality printers to their customers and ensure repeat business. Preet says,

In a dynamic industry that moves fast, we strongly believe that being small is a big advantage. We don’t believe in jumping to carry the latest “faddish” printer but look for distinct design/feature advantages and we test everything thoroughly and know the product (inside and out) before we offer it to our clients and prospects. This allows us to offer the best and most personalized service possible.

The latest edition to the site’s online store is the ZYYX and, from what he’s told us, the ZYYX is a pretty great printer at its price point near $2000.

According to the reseller, the printer arrived pristinely packed and was a cinch to set-up.  Though they’re said to be shipped pre-calibrated, Preet found that the Z-axis needed to be adjusted slightly.  The assisted leveling, he noted, is actually as easy as it is advertised, with Preet saying that it “takes about 3 minutes (not 20 minutes like some other machines out there).” He and his team next set about performing some test prints.

3D printed orange screamer from ZYYX 3D printer

The smallest print they tested was “The Orange Screamer”, a self-described “annoying” whistle, on Thingiverse, which Preet said was produced very precisely and perfectly on the ZYYX.  Right now, the demo printer is in the process of a 43-hour print of a birdhouse, which it is producing without issue, aside from some filament tangling unrelated to the ZYYX.  Preet thought that, out of the box, the ZYYX works quite readily, saying, “We’ve come to realize that unlike some other feature and problem-laden printers on the market, you can trust the ZYYX to just work. You don’t need to take a “spare” extruder along for a demo ;)”

3D printed birdhouse on ZYYX 3D printer
A 43-hour print job half-way through.

The DesignBox3D President has so far tested both ABS and PLA with no problem and plans to test more exciting materials, soon, as the ZYYX’s hot-end end allows the machine to process a broader range of filaments.  Though a previous batch of air filters were found not to work, the company quickly remedied the problem and Preet found that the system that arrived on their demo unit worked very well. Additionally, the magnetically mounted, removable build plate is made of glass and has a plastic sheet attached to it, on which DesignBox was able to print objects without adding any tape or glue.  Prints were then easily removed and the plate cleaned with a soft cloth dipped in acetone.  Also worth noting is the fact that the ZYYX can print tethered to a computer via USB cable or with a provided SD card, which Preet believes works more reliably than the USB connection.

Overall, the DesignBox3D team was happy with their test unit and, due to their positive experience, has decided to begin selling it at their shop.  The ZYYX printer is just one among many that the site sells and plans to sell.  Also in the works is a hackerspace that DesignBox3D hopes to open to complement their retail business.  Not only will the Ohio-based space introduce the local community to the technology, but it will act as a showroom for their machines, which will soon include industrial 3D printing machines, as well.

Of course, Preet’s experience with the ZYYX may be unique.  3D printers of all types can be quite finicky and not everyone will do well with every machine.  The important thing is that we build up a solid body of knowledge around the technology so that we can all 3D print our way to better lives.  Let us know your thoughts on the printer in the comments and feel free to send us your reviews, as well!