3D Printers

A Promise is a Promise — Ultimaker Releases Source Files for its 2nd Gen 3D Printer

Always nice when companies stick to their word, and this past weekend Ultimaker has done just that. When the pro open-source company released the Ultimaker 2 3D printer six months ago, they promised to promote the culture saying that the source files would follow within months  — they are now available via github.

Ultimaker released the files saying:

“Since the very first time Ultimaker saw the light of day, we have supported open source. We shared our source files and our community gave us valuable feedback…. It is our firm’s belief that sharing knowledge does not mean losing knowledge. On the contrary, we learn from each other, inspire each other and use each other’s knowledge to create even better products and develop impressive innovations world-wide.”

Martijn Elserman, a co-founder of Ultimaker further commented: “Since its introduction, the Ultimaker 2 received a very positive response and its demand has been beyond expectation. This strengthens our confidence in our philosophy to innovate and improve together with the worldwide community of 3D printer enthusiasts.”

It’s been a busy week for the company, Ultimaker has also announceed the restructure of its management, effective as of last Friday, with the appointment of co-founder Siert Wijnia as the new CEO while the other two co-founders, Martijn Elserman and Erik de Bruijn, will take on supporting roles responsible for the Ultimaker experience and evangelizing 3D printing respectively. The company reports that the “change comes as a result of a newly defined growth strategy in which the founders will take on a more prominent role in defining the path forward.”

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