3D Platforms

A new 3DPrintingIndustry.com is born

Good Morning Everyone,

My name is Hermes Moore, the new Editor in Chief at 3DPrintingIndustry.

Today I would like to share some exciting news with you.

3D printing and 3D scanning are rapidly changing the way we perceive products, the way we make them and the way we dream of them. Every day new players come with innovative and stunning applications of these technologies. In order to effectively share with you the rise of the Industrial Revolution 3.0 that is unravelling in front of us, I thought it was time to introduce a brand new 3DPrintingIndustry.com. Beyond a clearer layout, the new version will serve you with more in-depth articles, more interviews, more videos, more research papers, more weekly series, more tools and more services. These new features will be rolled-out over the next few months.

My vision is of an open world, a world where 3D printing and 3D scanning facilitates open source design and open manufacturing. 3DPI will play its part in the sharing of knowledge and innovation by opening its media to external contributors who are passionate about 3D printing and 3D scanning.

Over the next 20 years, while 3D printing and 3D scanning technologies diffuse into all corners of our lives, as internet, mobile phones and computers did over the last 30 years, we will maintain our standard of quality. We will relentlessly bring you the latest breaking news, the latest innovations and interviews from people that shape our industries. Expect us to deliver the tools that you need to benefit from this new world that will take shape under our feet.

With you and my team let’s become the true Authority on 3D Printing,

Hermes Moore

Alice Sara Ott - Autogramm

