3D Printers

NEA Spawns Beautiful Family of 3D Printers at CES

Launched at CES this year is one of the most elegant looking series of desktop 3D printers I’ve seen so far, more than eligible for Shane’s Sexiest 3D Printer award.  The NEA family of FFF printers – which includes the NEA PRO Mini, PRO, and PRO+ – boasts a great footprint to print area ratio, a sleek design, and a reasonable price tag.

nea 3D inc family of nea 3d printers

The NEA family is everything you expect from a Golidlocks fairytale: a baby, momma, and poppa bear. The NEA PRO Mini has a build volume of 6”x6”x6” and a price of $995, while the PRO measures 10”x10”x10” and will cost $1,295 and the PRO+ is 14”x14”x20” and will run at about $1,995.  The machines are all capable of layer thicknesses of about 25 microns and are all equipped with some of the latest features, now standard on new generations of 3D prints, including: a self-leveling, heated printbed and wi-fi connectivity.

In addition to these standard features, the NEA printers are modular, so that parts, including the printhead, can be easily removed and replaced.  The filament spool fits nicely into the top of the printer, so as to remain inconspicuous and, as the printer maxes out its print volume on the Z-axis, the filament spool is pushed upward for even greater room.  And the company is introducing its proprietary Vibration Dampening system, to ensure repeatability and even prints.

nea pro 3D printer

CTO and chief inventor of the technology, Stoyan Tadin, said of his invention, “Throughout 2014 we engineered the NEA family of 3D Printers to be able to offer professional quality and specifications with models for home, education and professionals –whether in art, entertainment or medical and professional prototyping and final product.” He adds, “In my 30 years of management and involvement in Research & Development, this has been and is my most exciting endeavor because it is only the beginning of the many innovations we have in the pipeline.”

nea pro mini 3D printer

NEA 3D Inc. CEO, William Chang, contributed, “We’re applying two decades of experience in high end 3D modeling to further enrich peoples understanding of what can be created and how it can be applied to the rapidly growing 3d printing industry and community. We’ve brought together a team of 3D printing experts to design one of the coolest, most innovative 3D printers in the world. Our unique online maker experience puts customer support and education at the forefront, empowering professionals and hobbyists to share their creations and knowledge with everyone.”

Chang is also the CEO of Playfight VFX Inc., a branding and visual effects company that has worked on Respawn’s Titanfall, Freddie Wong’s Video Game High School., and musician Lindsey Stirling. Chung continues, “In our business we understand and need to produce quality, excellence and performance. We simply weren’t satisfied with the 3D Printers we had purchased on crowdfunding platforms. So we embarked on engineering out the flaws we had experienced with those products, the result producing what we believe is not only the most stunning series with superb engineering craftsmanship, but fully featured and calibrated out of the box.”  Chang’s background is illustrated clearly in the beautiful promo video below:

After they stint at CES, NEA plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign, including special pricing on all of their products, to launch their NEA family into full production.  Along with it, you can expect more details about the printers, as well as more sleek marketing that’s hard to beat.

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