
My Mini Factory – An Augmented Online Model Repository?

Next month, the 3DP-following world is going to witness yet another opening of an industry related web-based company — a 3D model online repository called My Mini Factory. Differentiation-wise My Mini Factory – apparently — doesn’t use the business model that is emerging as the industry standard – the upload for free, download for fee -concept. Instead, they offer users free downloads, category and catalogue extensions by request, yet still offer suitable monetary incentives for the uploaders.

My Mini Factory 3D model online repository

At first glance then, this might seem like a project that has been just quickly thrown together to ride the growing tidal wave of 3DP – and the simultaneously greater potential of online ad revenues – but there’s a name in the bottom of the invitation page at Meetup, which pushes those initial thoughts aside. That name, further arousing interest in the My Mini Factory project, is Sylvain Preumont – the founder of iMakr – the brick & mortar 3D printing store that opened in London earlier this month, and which 3DPI’s Rachel Park covered.

What the synergy and strategic concept positioning between these offline and online concepts is yet unknown – iMakr already has its own online section for 3D models – but it’s surely going to be something that has been carefully mapped out and outlined before the launch.

The canapé-infused ceremonies will take place in London on June 18th. If your invitation has been misplaced by the Royal Mail, you can request one by hitting the source link below and filling your information in the respective box. We’ll also be naturally following this story and keeping you up to date before and after the event.

Source: My Mini Factory