3D Printers

Large-scale 3D printing advances with 3BOTS’ KONG3D printer and BigRep’s high speed filament

Large-scale 3D printing is advancing with two new developments from Germany, 3BOTS is launching its first ever large scale FFF printer, the KONG3D, and Berlin-based BigRep has released a high speed filament for its range of large format machines.

BigRep has already launched its large-scale 3D printers, the One and the Studio, and is now refining its offerings with new materials. 3BOTS is entering the market for the first time and will officially launch the 1 metre cubed build volume KONG3D at FabCon 2017 in Erfurt during 20 – 22 June.

Demand for large-scale 3D printers is growing as applications become clearer. BigRep’s large format 3D printers have been used recently by German railway company Deutsche Bahn to create headrests for trains. Recently, BigRep received a multi-million investment from metal company Kloeckner.

Gif shows BigRep’s speed comparison with the new Pro HS Filament. Images via BigRep.

BigRep new filament 

Joining Pro HT, the new Pro HS filament is the second material in the line of BigRep industrial filaments. According to BigRep, the High-Speed filament will reduce production times by up to 50%. The filament is likened to PLA in ease of printing but is reportedly “more robust and has twice the flowability.” In addition, BigRep states the material is a biopolymer and boasts a more environmentally friendly production process to other materials such as ABS.

René Gurka CEO of BigRep GmbH, who recently discussed his views on of the Future of 3D printing, says,

In addition to the significantly reduced printing time, a major advantage of the product is that machines do not need to be modified for the application. It can be used on both new and older BigRep models. Especially when working with our large-format printers BigRep ONE and BigRep STUDIO, we offer our customers a flexible, complete solution for the most diverse requirements

The material is available now in sizes ranging from 2.5 kg spools to 8 kg and in two colors: basalt and natural.

The 10" control panel on the KONG3D monitors the printer's current parameters. Photo via 3BOTS.
The 10″ control panel on the KONG3D monitors the printer’s current parameters. Photo via 3BOTS.

Large-scale KONG3D printer 

3BOTS is set to launch its new large-scale 3D printer in June at FabCon 2017 and has described the machine as a useful device for creating large-scale objects such as props, sculptures and displays.

3BOTS has developed a closed-loop motion control system called SureGlide which allows users to monitor and control the position of the printhead. Through precise monitoring, the KONG3D allows seamless resuming of a paused print from its last position.

Additionally, KONG’s TILTEC tilted print bed enables printing of large overhangs without the need to print support structures and 3BOTS states the printer works with “a variety of thermoplastic materials like PLA, ABS, PETG or even flexible filaments.”

The large-scale KONG3D printer. Image via 3BOTS.
The large-scale KONG3D printer. Image via 3BOTS.

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Featured image shows a BigRep 3D printer used to create headrests for Deutsche Bahn. Photo via DB AG/Oliver Lang.

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