Janne Kyttanen has created Sofa So Good using a 3D Systems ProX 950 super-wide 3D printing system. Coated in high-polish copper and chrome, Sofa So Good measures 150 x 75 x 55 centimeters, weighs only 2.5 kilos and was fabricated using just 2.5 liters of material. Each of its 6000 layers measures exactly 0.0099 centimeters thick. The geometric design can hold up to 100 kilograms.
Inspired by the ultimate designer, Earth, Janne was inspired by nature’s 3D printers, silkworms and spiders. As a 3D Systems Senior Creative Fellow, he had access to some pretty sophisticated machines.
“With 3D technology, we can express forms only found in nature,” says Janne Kyttanen, who’s Sofa So Good was printed in a single build on the ProX 950 SLA 3D printer by Quickparts, 3D Systems’ cloud-based manufacturing service. The ProX 950 has a large build volume and made the lounger in a few days.
“How much material would we be able to save from products and building materials if we could manufacture like this?” asks Janne. “There’s a whole range of benefits we can’t even fathom today.”
Check out this video to see how Janne’s Sofa So Good borrows some of the best design ideas from the insuperable engineer: nature itself.