
Free 3D Printable of the Week: La French Tech Logo

This week’s free 3D printable is a symbol that may be new to some people. Or, anyway, it’s new to me! This low-poly rooster is a symbol representing French start-ups around the world, used to designate metropolitan hubs for significant French start-up activity. While there are a number of French cities with the designation of La French Tech, New York is the first foreign city to receive the La French Tech rooster when Axelle Lemaire, the Minister of State for Digital Affairs, and Emmanuel Macron, the Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs labelled NYC a “French Tech Hub”.

According to La French Tech website, “There are now more than a hundred French-run startups located in New York City, mainly specialized in AdTech, eCommerce, Media and SaaS.” Among these start-ups are successes like the mobile calendar firm Sunrise, purchased by Microsoft for $100 million, and Sketchfab, which just secured $7 million for its universal 3D model platform. Interestingly, the site goes onto say that 3/4 of these Franco-American companies base their R&D in France and the rest of their business in NYC.

la french tech new york 3D printing start-ups

In order to further facilitate this transcontinental relationship, the French Tech New York project was established. This event, which took place on June 25, saw 80 different “entrepreneur ambassadors” networking in one location, along with representatives from French government bodies, to better solidify the collection of French start-ups in NYC.

la french tech 3D printing start-ups

As Franco-centric as La French Tech is, the project is examining other global cities to apply the French Tech Hub label, including: Cape Town, Santiago, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tokyo. Additionally, the French government also provides funds for those looking to launch their own foreign start-ups in France. Having not been previously aware of La French Tech as an identity and network, I do think it’s a really interesting concept and one that other countries may look to to strengthen their businesses abroad and at home.