
Free 3D Printable of the Week: Bedroom in Arles

3D scanning a sculpture is one thing, but transforming a famous painting into a detailed 3D model is something else altogether. Israeli artist Ruslan has created a spectacular recreation of Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting Bedroom in Arles.  Ruslan was able to model an extremely realistic version of the impressionist bedroom that results in a fun discord between reality and impressionist art.

In the accompanying Art Alive app, users can endlessly change the wallpaper and floor texture of the room and, perhaps, recreate the psychosis of a mad painter.

In the AllThings3D podcast, embedded below, Mike Balzer demonstrates how his own NEODiVR headset can be used to take this VR to the next level, with the Structure Sensor actually allowing users to walk around van Gogh’s bedroom – just as his ORSurgery app allows them to walk around an operating room.  So realistic you’ll cut off your own ear?