3DP Applications

Coca-Cola Israel's Mini-Bottles and 3D Printed Mini-Me’s

This is a story of how new technology can easily – and by giant company standards very cost-effectively – create a positive buzz around a brand even whilst not requiring a complete strategy reinvention. It’s a marketing story that combines an app, 3D scanning, 3D printing and some sweetened, carbonated and coloured water surrounded by a downsized familiar plastic bottle — joining forces  to raise awareness in the Middle East.

In order to promote a new extension — a mini-sized bottle — to its product offering, Coca-Cola Israel has launched a competition where consumers can aptly win a miniature version of themselves. The wannabe-figurine owners were instructed to recreate their physical appearances with a Coke app, after which the lucky winners were selected and chosen for the actual concretization phase.

For this, the local branch of the global soda giant had created a 3D print lab, including 3D scanners and printers – the whole works – where the competition winners had their first full body scans, followed by being handed their personal mini-me’s.

If you want a visual recap of this little story, watch the video below.

Coca-Cola Mini-Me (3D printing) from Gefen Team on Vimeo.