3D Printers

An Ultimaker Upgrade — Available on Indiegogo

Gergely Szegedi is a Developer and Technical Engineer that last week launched a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo to fund a standalone upgrade kit for Ultimaker printers. The aim of the project is to raise capital to develop the complete upgrade kit which will see a standard Ultimaker printer increase its print size capacity.

Specifically, Gergely’s XL upgrade for the Ultimaker 3D printer will offer increased print build volume — from the existing 21 x 21 x 20.5 cm to approximately 46 x 36 x 32 cm — together with a reinforced, yet light Z-axis mechanism that will be able to support the increased printing platform’s overall weight, even with big printed objects.

The kit will be sold as a separate upgrade kit, independently from Ultimaker printers and the standard upgrade is available to contributors of the Indiegogo campaign for €100. This will contain all necessary upgrade parts, including larger, lasercutted wooden frame parts, longer axle rods, and many other replacement parts, that are required for the proper operation of the upgraded printer.

It is still early days for the campaign, but for anyone with an Ultimaker looking to increase build size, this is one to take a look at.

Source: Indiegogo

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