If you’ve been following our news over the past week or so, you may have happened to stumble upon a controversial article involving patent infringement accusations on new type of 3D printing technology. IP firms were started to keep infringers from stealing a well-thought out idea or business model, one of the largest in the world being the Washington DC-based Finnegan IP law firm. With the recent uproar that 3D printing technology has been causing in industries across the board, one partner from the firm named John Hornick has placed an exclusive focus on the rapidly expanding technology. By founding the Finnegan’s 3D Printing Working Group, Hornick has made it a point to both educate and advise his clients on 3D printing technology and IP law, helping to ensure that Finnegan IP’s clients do not have their patent infringed up (or vice versa).
But now Hornick is extending his 3D printing knowledge from within the walls of his firm into a new book called “3D Printing Will Rock the World”, which details where additive manufacturing technology currently is and where it will inevitably go in the near-future. Hornick focuses on making the book accessible to almost anybody with a keen interest in the young, yet expansive history of 3D printing, writing a book geared for both the consumer and hobbyist as well as the interested businessperson or investor type too.
“A lucid and comprehensive account of the burgeoning field of 3D printing—the technologies, and their implications,” said Hod Lipson, co-author of the book Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing. “Hornick makes a compelling case for why this technology can’t be ignored. A must-read for anyone who wants to see beyond the horizon.”
3D Printing Will Rock the World keys in on how 3D printing technology has impacted both businesses and our personal lives, how it could change mass production into production by the masses, the legal and illegal foundation behind 3D printing, and also how it will influence the children of this generation to 3D print a better future for mankind. The book is jam-packed with illustrations and endnotes, ensuring to the reader that no matter what level of experience they may have with 3D printing, Hornick’s exploration of this topic is both engaging and accessible to all.
The paperback edition of this book, which has already received rave reviews from other renowned industry figureheads (as seen above on the back cover), can be purchased via Amazon for $24.95!