3D Printing

Brace Yourself — Stratasys has Introduced Objet Eden260V Dental Advantage

Continuing on the model for dental 3D printing, Stratasys has introduced its next printer, the Objet Eden260V Dental Advantage. Displayed for the first time last month at the LMT Lab Day Show in Chicago, the new model boasts an improved service from the established digital dental manufacturing standard set by Stratasys. Their new model ought to service dental and orthodontic needs.

Able to print from scanned intraoral output, the Eden260V can produce surgical guides and dental models in-house as well as smooth and precise orthodontic appliances. The Dental Advantage package includes VeroDentPlus (MED690), a dark beige material that prints layers as fine as 16 microns to create amazingly fine features and finish, and offers excellent strength, accuracy and durability, and Clear Bio-compatible (MED610), a transparent material medically approved for temporary in-mouth placement. With a tray size of 260x260x200 mm, horizontal build layers as thin as 16 microns, and 4 sealed cartridges among other features, the 410 kg printer stands tall among dental printing competitors. It promises quiet manufacturing, so you can still hear the drill in your mouth or scraps pulling tartar out of your gums.

3d printer stratasys dental advantageStratasys appears to establish its already sturdy footing in the dental game with the Eden260V Dental Advantage. Director of Global Dental at Stratays explains, “Stratasys continues to make digital dentistry happen and is fully committed to this market The Objet Eden260V Dental Advantage 3D printer is a cost-effective solution package that is designed to increase productivity and turnaround times while delivering precision prototypes and production parts.”

It would have been nice to see this technology 15 years ago when I had new brackets put in to help tighten my braces. Maybe if the Eden260V had been around, the orthodontic assistant would not have mistakenly used a misshapen mould of brackets and forced me to bite down until blood and tears made her reconsider the mould. I envy those sitting in dental chairs today.

Source: Stratasys

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