
3D printed DIY Selfiebot from Endurance

A few weeks ago we were looking at Endurance’s BB-8 Selfiebot. Endurance have now released details on their education program for schools worldwide. So far they are working with six different US colleges and some international schools as well, but are looking to expand that number.

DIY SelfieBot: Affordable fully 3D printed practical DIY educational mobile driven robot for schools and colleges from Endurance Robots

Endurance offers a practical fully 3D printed robot for schools and colleges to stimulate an educational process and introduce students to practical robotics. This kit is different from other educational tools out there, and that’s what makes it unique.
The company teaches students learning Computer Science, Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (CS-STEM) how to make their own DIY SelfieBot, a nice looking robot which not only supports their education in classrooms but also has lots of real-life applications and uses. Endurance are robots enthusiasts themselves and they share their knowledge and experience in order to inspire more and more high school and college students to engage in DIY robotics.

The Selfiebot is a movable cellphone or tablet holder that rotates and follows you. It tracks you while video chatting, and rotates after you while live streaming. It can also be controlled remotely.


The advantages of the program are many, and it’s easy to see why this is being used as an educational tool.

Affordable – $95 for 1 basic KIT

Programmable – Arduino based.

Opensource – Friendly community of robotics enthusiasts eager to help you.

Compatible – Can be used with other robots.

Fully 3D printed – Design can be upgraded or changed to fit your needs.


Easyto-build – Can be easily made on your own in a short time.

Practical – Has many useful real-life applications.

DIY SelfieBot robot is designed for high school and college students who want to improve their skills in robotics. Endurance provides a full introduction and extended guidance on how to make your own robot in class.  Endurance’s mission is: “To educate and encourage schools and colleges by creating a friendly robotics network and to empower them by providing the skills necessary to develop their own robots that will help people in the field of robotics development, education, and in the community”.

The classes in schools who would benefit most from the project are those in software and hardware, design and mechanical related classes.


What sets the DIY Selfiebot apart from other 3D printed robotics kits?

Endurance have created a practical, low cost and fun robotics kit, and by using 3D printing technology have made it more exciting for students. They also offer support via email, skype, whatsapp and many other applications.



If you are an educator and this looks like something you would be interested in, you can email them at [email protected], or visit their website.

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