A new 3D design challenge from MyMiniFactory and Esso is offering a BCN3D Sigmax 3D printer as first prize.
This challenge to designers has upcycling at its center. The design brief calls for submissions that take a widely used aluminium drink can, and repurpose it. Christophe Fay, Esso EAME Marketing Communications Manager, explains, “We sell a lot of drinks at Esso stations, we also believe at Esso that every details matters and that if upcycling can help re-use cans for the benefit of our customer, we should help.”
In fact, aluminum cans like this are one of the most commonly consumed products in the world – almost 6,700 cans every second are thrown away.
Examples of how 3D printing can be used to upcycle drink cans are given on the MyMiniFactory competition page. Some early designs include converting the can into a bird feeder, modular storage, and even a watering can. Alternatively, designs for drink can accessories are encouraged.
Designers are requested to share their entries using the hashtag #FuelingInnovation and to tag @MyMiniFactory @Esso_GB @bcn3dtech. Esso believes that 3D printing is fueling innovation is the sense that, “innovation is a mindset, we are always looking at new initiatives that bring new ideas and that can ultimately enrich the customer fueling experience.”
Your design on the mass market?
MyMiniFactory says the competition is also an opportunity for 3D designers to reach a much wider audience. “The designs entered may be considered for use in future marketing initiatives post competition,” states the MyMiniFactory competition page, “This is the first time such an opportunity has been on the table for the 3D printing community, so it’s time to break out and show us what you’ve got!” Esso’s Christophe Fay adds, “Objects proposed could end up being offered to our customers in a promotion.”
This Esso sponsored competition is the first collaboration between the two enterprises. “MyMiniFactory is a small, innovative company. We think we can learn from such organisations,” said Christophe Fay, “[the] business ecosystem is diverse, we believe diversity brings a lot to business. We want to work with such companies.”
Win a $5k 3D printer and more
The BCN3D Sigmax 3D printer extends the capabilities of the popular Sigma desktop 3D printer with a larger print volume of 420x297x210mm. The FDM 3D printer also has a dual extruder system, so multiple colors or materials can be printed. In addition to having your design work seen by one of the largest energy companies in the world, a runner-up prize of a STARTT 3D printer is also up for grabs.
The competition runs until the 14th of February 2018, and is only open to residents of Australia, Europe and North America who are over the age of 18.
To enter the competition follow this link to the competition page, read the brief, download the designer resources and follow the instructions.
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