
Ready for Jurassic Dinos? GoEngineer and Paleontologist 3D Print Stunning Dryosaurus Skeleton

Taking us one step closer to Jurassic Park, paleontologist Jeffrie Parker from Western Paleo Labs and Kirk Brown from Stratasys’ reseller GoEngineer successfully printed a detailed model of Dryosaurus. The herbivore actually comes from the late Jurassic period, so it is not a misnomer. With a 3D print of this size and accuracy, the collaboration took strides to revolutionize fossil moulding and paleontological studies. Stratasys used the uPrint SE Plus 3D Printer to fashion the dinosaur found in Wyoming by Parker. Ready for museum display, the 3D printed Dryosaurus will make in imprint in paleontology not unlike the fossil left in the depths of sediment.

dryosaurus2 3d printing industryNow for some facts to sate the curiosity of 3D printing enthusiasts and future Robert Bakkers or John Horners. Not only does the Dryosaurus skeleton offer evidence of the high-quality model capable with a uPrint SE Plus, it also clocks in as the largest dinosaur ever 3D printed at GoEngineer. Once excavated, Parker 3D scanned the bones producing 20 STL files then 3D printed in five batches in ivory ABSplus material with the uPrint SE Plus. As stated before, Dryosaurus altus meandered between the western United States and Tanzania in the late Jurassic period. Based on available fossil evidence, Dryosaurus measured roughly 5 feet tall. Large ocular cavities suggest keen eyesight, and a long tail would provide counter-balance necessary during high speed, a necessary trait for possible prey.

3DP already provides leaps in technology beyond traditional methods. The laborious process involved clay sculptors, resin, silicone rubber molds. 3DP drastically cuts down time and permits a stronger focus on analysis and theory as well as fast yet accurate models for display. Through Stratasys’ blog, Parker said, “3D printing allows a paleontologist to quickly reproduce a fossil bone that can be used for academic study and for building museum exhibits that can be enjoyed by everyone. Having a 3D printer is like having your own little robot factory.” As part of the excitement, Parker realizes the advantage inherent in sharing files with an international audience, “The 3D printing of an object adds to our understanding of the thing and makes it real.”

dryosaurus 3d printed dinosaurThe Dryosaurus is on display at GoEngineering and under Parker’s care thanks to the quality of the print. Following this project, both parties have seen the possibilities and have already begun planning the next prints: Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. These new additions are slightly larger than the 5 foot Dryosaurus, but would be quite impressive, not only for paleontologists and museum goers, but for 3DP as well. Hopefully they will appear soon and when it comes to ingenuity and creative production, 3DP spares no expense.