3D Printers

The Next Generation of 3D Printers Is Arriving Rapidly from Rapide 3D

Although it will never be fast enough for those of us who await a full-blown, new and beneficial industrial revolution, things move fast in 3D printing. It just makes sense that a company called Rapide 3D is among those who move the fastest. Rapide 3D has already built the stylish Rapide One.  It is currently working on the Rapide S, one of the best looking food 3D printer concepts out there. And, now, the company is launching a desktop 3D printer capable of making 40-cm tall objects.

rapide desktop 1

After the successful Indigogo run – and 700 machines already delivered – of its first, compact, Rapide Lite 200 system, the company is now about to launch a new campaign for the new Rapide Lite 200XL Desktop Plus, the first affordable and reduced-footprint desktop 3D printer with extended Z axis capabilities.

Rapide Lite 200XL Desktop PlusEthan Hunt (that is his real name; I saw his passport), the company’s founder, designed the Rapide Lite 200 enabling it to be easily scaled up or down, in order to make a range of models from one basic design. With the Rapide 200XL Desktop Plus this has meant enabling it to create 40-cm tall objects with a volume of 16,000 cubic centimeters, while occupying a surface area measuring just 350 x 380 mm.

Its Z-axis brawn is not the only new feature that makes this a next generation desktop 3D printer: it will also be integrating a powerful ARM 32 Bit Control Board and a 2.8” Full Color LCD Screen. Like its predecessor, it has a heated bed and promises to achieve true-to-life 50 micron resolution, while keeping it within affordable price range.

Also, since the new 3D printer is based on the previous Rapide Lite 200 model, the time to market has been shrunk to just 60 days from the campaign’s launch. You can keep up to date with developments by registering on dedicated Rapide Lite 200XL page, or just keep an eye out for the Indiegogo campaign next March and support it to join the next generation of desktop 3D printing.

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