3D Printers

Le FabShop Will Distribute Replicator2 in France

Le FabShop, the French digital workshop, has announced that it will be selling Makerbot products — including the new Replicator2 — in France, through its online shop, le FabStore. Le FabShop, a community based hub for design and digital manufacturing as well as research & development activities, is equipped with a diverse range of tools to meet the needs of researchers, designers, students or consumers that may otherwise not have access to such tools. Responding to local demand across a range of sectors, le FabShop brings together a full spectrum of digital techniques to provide custom manufacturing and collaboration for anyone that requires it.

Le Fabshop

A subsidiary of batitrad.pro, le FabShop is led by visionary Bertier Luyt, who is an advocate for 3D digital technologies and specifically, 3D printing. With a passion for this technology area and a practical understanding of the processes, this latest announcement regarding a distribution agreement with Makerbot is a particularly good fit.

leFab:MakerbotBertier commented, “The Replicator2 is the new standard in desktop 3D printing, it is the missing link in today’s design chain; it’s easy, fast and you don’t need a soldering iron or programming skills to begin printing. Starting today you too can make your ideas real with 3D modelling software and a Replicator2. We are thrilled to have entered into this agreement with Bre Pettis and his team at Makerbot, and we are confident in the product and the market to boost our business.”

Moving forward, le FabShop will promote and distribute all Makerbot products, including the consumables, across France, which will include implementing a Replicator2 in the digital workspaces of le FabClub in Brittany and Paris (both opening in November 2012).


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