
IN(3D)USTRY turns Barcelona into the AM capital city

The field of 3D printing is growing at a rate that will soon influence manufacturing processes that have not yet embraced this technology. Many companies had been hesitant to invest in this type of manufacturing that will soon experience a paradigm shift.

We have organized an event where the world’s top advanced Additive Manufacturing companies will attend to connect with leading companies in all sectors that have already adopted this innovative technology. It is a premium event where trade professionals can learn how to address their specific needs. From June 21st to 23rd, Hall 8 of Fira Barcelona’s Montjuic exhibition centre will host the first edition of IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions, a new international event focussed on both the present and the future state of advanced additive manufacturing.

The event will host the IN(3D)USTRY ARENA, a dedicated area where visitors from the four main industrial sectors (Healthcare, Automotive & Aeronautics, Retail & Consumer and Architecture & Habitat) can meet with exhibitors, present their challenges and watch and learn from live demonstrations on how additive manufacturing has already produced tangible solutions for industries such as automotive and construction, among others.

The event will also encourage dialogue between sectors with IN(3D)USTRY TALKS, where various round-table discussions and business-to-business presentations will take place. The best examples of the most innovative solutions will be presented, and companies can put manufacturers to the test with their manufacturing challenges.

The offering at IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions is capped off with two additional platforms: the Open Innovation Marketplace, a meeting place for companies, investors, users and manufacturers of 3D printing machinery, and the Call for Best Solutions, where organizers will select both the best solutions already implemented and the top prototypes for exhibition in the IN(3D)USTRY ARENA during the event.

The main objective of IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions is to offer specific solutions to the attending companies. The event will feature all possible technologies and materials to provide our guests with a broad spectrum of the opportunities currently offered in the market.

This technology is going to experience a huge boom. Faster parts production and decreased cost for designing and manufacturing 3D parts mean that this technology is relevant to all industry sectors. For this reason, I would like to invite everyone who has an interest in this revolutionary manufacturing technology to attend the first edition of IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions between June 21-23 at Fira Barcelona.

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