Dan Jones, a product design student form Ravensborne University in London, has created a 3D printed radio prototype for his Uni assignment. The body has been manufactured with a Zprinter 450 powder 3D printer and the other parts – the speaker trim, radio face trim and knobs – were produced on a 3D Touch 3D printer. The process required more than just design and CAD skills, but also a lot of manual finishing after production – all surfaces have been sanded and had filler applied before several coats of paint to achieve the retro look.
Even though the prototype might not be able to produce any of that fm/am goodness, the visual outcome of Project Radio as such could be added to any company’s product portfolio, who appreciate clean, simple and sophisticated design language. But before Dan’s Radio is commercialized, you can feast your eyes on the different steps leading to the actual result – in the gallery below.
[nggallery id=69]If you want to take an even closer look at the design process – and a detailed visual process description of different parts – hit the source link.
Source: Dan Jones Product Design