I mentioned last week that the Christmas 3D print designs are among my very favourite of all 3D printed things. That’s because I’m a bit of a softie when it comes to Christmas — and the hope for humanity that it inspires, however short-lived it may prove to be in reality even before the new year.
So it probably comes as no surprise that I went a bit gooey when an email from imaterialise dropped into my inbox announcing the winners of the Holiday Gift Challenge imaterialise hosted along with designer-oriented 3D model marketplace CGTrader.com, Autodesk 123D and Choc Edge. This particular challenge had a focus on two distinct categories – Silver and Ceramics.
Here are the two winners:
In the Ceramics category, the winner was Noah Hornberger for his Frozen Ice Bowl, a minimal design focused on stretching a basic grid of points in the vertical axis only. From the top, this bowl is a perfect square where each point is a different z-height.
I would certainly willing have this prominent among my Christmas decorations.
In the Silver category, the winner was, unanimously, LoupGarou’s ‘Reach the Stars Pendant’.
Just stunning ….
According to imaterialise both designers now will see their winning design 3D printed, and they will receive it, hopefully before Christmas, along with the other prizes that were up for grabs from Autodesk, CGTrader, and Choc Edge.
Holiday themed challenges are always good for marketing, but they’re also useful for the designers, and the prizes never go amiss for the winners ….. Let us know what you think