Kickstarter, etc

3D printing on the go with Waggle on Kickstarter

Waggle is designed to be a 3D printer’s best friend. Created by ATEAM VENTURES, the camera device, now on Kickstarter, allows users to remotely control a build from any wifi connected location. It simply fits into an existing machine and feeds video directly to a phone or tablet, making real-time printer monitoring easy.

Introducing the Waggle, video from Creatable Labs on YouTube.

Three times productivity

As shown by the Waggle introducing video, Waggle connectivity allows for three main advantages to 3D printing:

  1. Remote control for starting and stopping wirelessly
  2. Sharing a 3D printer and project management with students, friends and collaborators
  3. Managing the operation of multiple machines


Waggle utilities. Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter
Waggle utilities. Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter

Each of these functionalities are controlled within the app.

First, a 3D printer is selected. Second, a model is chosen from the cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud or Waggle’s own server) and sliced to the required settings.

After this, printing begins – and Waggle streams a live feed of the process to the phone or tablet used. The app also takes snapshots periodically to give updates on progress; reads the temperature of the nozzle and printbed; and sends notifications if anything changes

Getting the right result
As a peripheral device, Waggle is more versatile than other on-board cameras. The movable, and customizable, stand means that the camera can be arranged to suit any specific print job – i.e. for focus on the base, or close up detail on a particularly tricky part.

Example of 3D printable stands for the Waggle camera. Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter
Example of 3D printable stands for the Waggle camera. Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter

At this stage, the product has been a year in development, undergoing multiple iterations to get the right result. Launch of the Kickstarter is to help ATEAM VENTURES to start mass-production of Waggle, with RakWireless providing the camera module, and Yeliquan providing the injection molds. Production and assembly is to be done in South Korea, where the team can work closely with their manufacturing partners.

Kickstarter rewards and bundles

Created for use at home, school, in makerspaces and the office, Kickstarter rewards reflect Waggle’s versatility. Here there is the option to buy a single device for personal use, 5 devices in the ‘Makerspace special’, and 10 devices for distribution.


What's the Waggle box? Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter
What’s the Waggle box? Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter

It’s also worth noting that Waggle supports connection with most 3D printers running open source firmware. The compatibility list provided by the team features over 50 machines, including 3D printers from Ultimaker, Prusa, RepRap and Lulzbot. Access to machines not on the list is also extended by an on-demand driver upgrade service. The most recent list of compatible printers can be found here.

Orders for the Waggle device and app will remain open until June 15 2017. Order one now on Kickstarter here. The first Waggle shipments are expected August 2017.

By the way, ATEAM VENTURES, the creators of the Waggle, also manufacture their own 3D printer and are currently looking for distributors worldwide, so get in touch with them at [email protected] if you are interested!

Featured image: Design and composition of the Waggle camera device. Image via Joseph Sungpil Choi on Kickstarter

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