3D Printers

NTNU Receives da Vinci 1.0 3D Printers from XYZprinting’s Latest Donation

XYZprinting continues its philanthropic efforts by donating three 3D printers to National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). In order to increase student awareness and use, the university received three da Vinci 1.0 3D printers. The Las Vegas Reviewed.com Editor’s Choice Award winning printer has found a home in numerous universities thanks to XYZ printing. With clear goals for the future, the donations affirm XYZprinting’s ambition.

“We’re hoping that students and teachers can be inspired when they use the 3D printers, and their feedback can help us in our search for opportunities in overseas markets,” said Shu, senior manager of XYZprinting’s Market Development Divison, at the donation ceremony.

Hoping to kick-start student creativity and progressive development, XYZprinting has made an estimated 50 printer donations since January. Familiarity with the software and hardware promises to encourage industry growth and “seedlings” ready to bloom upon graduation. The collaboration between private business and academia can tether students and future employees to a now familiar technology made possible by XYZprinting’s generous donations. The price tag for the da Vinci model appears steady at $499 at the moment. Any university would see a boost in creative development with the addition of 3D printers, and the company aims to increase 3D printing presence across a grateful swath of academia.

Source: Focus Taiwan

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