3D Printers

Free software among 10 new Lulzbot 3D printer products from Aleph Objects

Aleph Objects has announced a bumper crop of new 3D printing software, hardware and 3D printing materials for the LulzBot 3D printer ecosystem.

Speaking about the announcement Aleph Objects President Harris Kenny said, “”Free, Libre, and Open Source development respects user freedom, drives better products, accelerates innovation, and strengthens user communities”

“With these new products, the LulzBot ecosystem offers users more evolved tools to make everything.”

3D Printing Software

The newly released Cura LulzBot Edition includes a redesigned and re-ordered user interface, enhanced automatic support material generation and an increased range of slicing options. This later feature is intended to allow advanced users to make tweaks to their g-code. Still included with the latest release of Cura for Lulzbot are material profiles for 30+ filaments.

Lulzbot new 3D printing products for Winter 2017.
Lulzbot new 3D printing products for Winter 2017.

Lulzbot 3D printing hardware and materials

Lulzbot users have spoken, and Aleph Objects has listened. The company says that the 3 most common requests from the 3D printing community were geometric freedom, improvements to ease of use and maintenance.

Addressing geometric freedom, version 3 of the LulzBot TAZ Dual Extruder is intended to ensure designers can focus on form and function, rather than making the design 3D printable. The LulzBot Dual Extruder supports the use of support materials, including soluble filament. It does not require nozzle leveling nor offset calibration. The extruder is also designed to operate with the forthcoming Polydissolve S1 Filament from PolyMaker, that will be released next month.

Turning to improved ease of use and maintenance, several products intended to increase up-time, while reducing the hours spent on maintenance. For $80, the LulzBot Mini Modular Print Bed System includes a silicone heat pad laminated to a spring-steel heat spreader, that “ensures uniform heat distribution across the surface of the bed.”

Coming soon is a Mini Graphical LCD Controller, meaning a LulzBot Mini can be operated without a computer connection and 3D print from the included SD card.

The final 4 products are concerned with increasing versatility. The LulzBot Mini Aerostruder Tool Head features the, “popular and powerful E3D Titan Aero Extruder and Hot End for high quality 3D printing of both rigid and flexible filaments. The LulzBot TAZ Aerostruder Tool Head is similar, but, as the name suggests, for the TAZ. Both products will be released shortly.

ABS, by Chroma Strand Labs is premium ABS filament, while completing the ecosytem is a nylon 3D Printer Enclosure by galaxG Design World, intended to provide heat retention and protect a TAZ or Mini from dirt.

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