The winner of December’s YouMagine Useful 3D Prints Contest submitted a simple design that turns an old two-liter soda bottle into a bird feeder. The winning design, as well as dozens of other contest…
Search Results For: colorfabb
Here's All of the Breaking News from MakerBot at CES
As 3D Systems announces its newest products in drips and drops at CES 2015, Stratasys’ MakerBot has poured it all out at once, revealing the entire expansion of their MakerBot 3D Ecosystem for t…
Historic Polish Sculptures 3D Printed in Woodfill are Uncanny
Last summer Mike wrote about a design company’s use of ColorFabb’s wood 3D printing filament, Woodfill, to recreate a piece of historical sculpture for a Polish church in Luban. Fucco Design has final…
Youmagine is Having a “Useful 3D Prints” Contest!
YouMagine’s “Useful 3D Prints” contest essentially means that makers of tchotchkes and other “useless” items need not apply. The core ethos of engineering is emphasized here: How useful is the object…
3D Printing and Polishing Bronze Bitcoins with Barnacules
YouTube tech vlogger Barnacules decided to find the best method for polishing the real bronze “Bitcoins” that he made from 3D printing material colorFabb bronzeFill. Obviously the bronze Bitcoins that…
GCreate Launching Two New Larger 3D Printers at a Competitive Price
New Yorkers generally look for substance over appearance. That is probably why the New York 3D printing scene is full of excellent RepRap based projects that do their job at the right price, instead o…
By Flow Launching the Most Portable 3D Printer Yet
If the holy grail is full delocalization of production, true portability of desktop 3D printing is one goal on the journey to achieve it. A new project called By Flow is taking another crack at it, a…
How Makers are “Making” a Living with 3D Printing
Recently we were contacted by Daniel Brown, a maker from “Down Under”, who successfully started and is currently running a prototyping business, 3D Prototypes and Models, in Adelaide, utilising a desk…
FormFutura Goes “Coco” For 3D Printing Tropical Wood
Wood is pretty hot in desktop 3D printing these days. ColorFabb just showed its new bamboo based filament and filament giant Formfutura has replied with EasyWood Coconut, a PLA based filament that int…
7 3D Printed Designer Stools Could Open Up an Age of Maturity for FFF 3D Printing
Let’s be honest, although some artists have already achieved extremely high quality outputs with FDM 3D prints, the majority of productions still lack many of the features that make low cost FDM/FFF m…