3DP Applications

Wearable Pi With 3D Printing

What looks like a steampunk version of a prop from post-apocalypse video game Fallout, is actually a surprisingly well-engineered, wearable computer made using a raspberry pi and a lot of 3D printing. This project combines everything we love about DIY and 3D printing and rolls it into one super awesome package that’ll be sure to make you the envy of every survivor of the apocalypse.

This wearable project is brought to us by a group in Germany, called Domestic Hacks. It was made for the first Maker Faire held in Hannover, Germany recently. Now this isn’t the first wearable project using the $35 raspberry pi computer I’ve seen, nor do I expect it to be the last, but it is the first as far as I know to really utilize 3D printing to this extent. The creators of this put quite a bit of engineering into the design and I am thoroughly impressed. They’ve even included a printable wristband for a wireless keyboard and your watch, though I doubt you’ll be needing an analog one if you’ve got a computer wrapped around your head. You can find all the files for this project on Thingiverse along with instructions to put it all together.

Wearable Raspberry Pi Computer 3D Printing

With DIY electronics, cheap single board computers and 3D printing getting more and more affordable, almost by the day, I think we can expect to see a rise in the wearable computing ‘sector’. Will this bring wearable computing to the ubiquitous state science fiction promised us? You can bet your PLA on it. It may not be Google’s famed Glass, but it’ll be 10 times more affordable and with the right tools and the help of the community, you can make one at home. I can’t wait to see what this inspires other makers to come up with.

Source: Thingiverse

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