
Virtual Reality Summit Added to Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara

There’s nothing better than the computer-simulated life, right?  Virtual reality is now poised to replace television as the primary means by which one escapes into a multimedia fantasy land, devoid of any characteristics of physical reality.  I, for one, think it’s about time!  I’m sick of looking at trees and having encounters with real people. And forget spending more than 30 seconds being bored!  I would even like to use virtual reality to browse a virtual web, have my email read to me by a favorite historical person or inanimate object.  Why not, right?  As virtual as it may be, virtual reality may have some serious potential benefits, both for the future of technology, but also for such noble areas as education and medicine.

project anywhere 3D printed VR system
Project Anywhere

On that note, I’m happy to report that a Virtual Reality Summit will now be added to the Santa Clara Inside 3D Printing Show coming up on October 21.  The reason that this is significant is because it represents a broader trend of 3D technologies crossing paths with increasing frequency, and all signs point to virtual reality, 3D modeling, and display applications growing in popularity along with virtual museum technology, which feature incredible new immersive learning experiences.  And, with VR, there’s the possibility of doctors practicing virtual surgeries before the high-stakes operating room.

star ops 3D game for structure sensor on ipad
VR & AR with the Structure Sensor

At the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo series you’ll be able to see and sample a wide tray of virtual reality applications and devices.  I mean, besides mobile there isn’t another platform that shows as much promise to take off into the upper echelons of automated consumption as virtual reality.  All the big companies are lining up for a delicious piece of Virtual Reality pie : Samsung, Microsoft, Google and Facebook are ready to define the proportions of their slice.  Gaming and entertainment VR will surely be receive a majority of the attention for the visual pyrotechnics and otherness, but there will surely be dazzling and interesting VR displays and apps for communications, business and social networking as well.

As an attendee of the Virtual Reality Summit, you will be privy to immersive and insightful presentations about VR technologies, applications, and develop an understanding of the business development models companies are using to drive and satisfy demand. It’s a good place to be, if you’ve invested your time and life into building a virtual reality startup.  You’ll be able to network and make connections will people who may be a bit further along on a parallel path to commercial success in the virtual reality market.

On October 21, as you peruse all the 3D printing applications and displays at Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara, be sure to check out the Virtual Reality Summit Exhibit area in the great hall. It’s there with 3D printing for a reason.  To register, click here, and receive 10% off with the code “3DPI”.