Additive Industries has the potential to take the metal 3D printing market by storm, if their MetalFAB1 metal 3D printer can deliver what it promises. At the upcoming formnext show in Frankfurt, the company will be unveiling its first metal 3D printer, which implements a unique print preview software developed by 3DSIM that could could demonstrate unprecedented uniformity of metal prints and reliability in the metal 3D printing process. Belgian 3D printing leader Materialise has gotten in on the early stages of this technology by signing a development partnership with Additive Industries related to its Build Processor for 3D printing technology.
Materialise’s Build Processor is an industrial grade print management software that has already been adopted by a number of industrial and consumer 3D printer manufacturers, including Arcam, EOS, SLM Solutions, and Renishaw. With the Build Processor software, these manufacturers are able to provide customers with machine-specific control software with easy-to-use interface and an advanced slicing algorithm for handling large design files. The addition of Additive Industries to the mix ensures that Materialise plays an important part in the company’s potentially game-changing technology, which includes automated build plate handling and in-line heat treatment.