
Laser Institute of America bring additive manufacturing workshop to Texas

The Laser Institute of America (LIA) will host a Laser Additive Manufacturing Workshop (LAM®) February 21-22, 2017 in Houston, Texas.

This isn’t just a workshop,” says LIA Marketing Director Jim Naugle, Marketing Director. “This is an opportunity to establish lifelong business relationships with experts in their respective fields. Our goal is for attendees to leave with more than business cards, we want them to leave with business partners.”

At the event insight will be provided by experts such as Lawrence Livermore’s Wayne King and there will also be a keynote address from GE. Topics such as trends, design, structures and materials for additive manufacturing are also on the agenda.

Concept Laser Metal Demo photo by Michael Petch
GE recently aquired Concept Laser. Photo by Michael Petch.

The fastest growing manufacturing sector

The general chair of LAM 2017 will be Milan Brandt of RMIT University. Laser additive manufacturing is now the fastest growing sector of manufacturing globally because of the many benefits the technology offers compared to the traditional subtractive methods,” said Brandt.

IPG Photonics, Fraunhofer USA, Trumpf and Optomec are among the sponsors of the event. Industries represented include Aerospace, Marine, Bio-medical and appropriately for Texas Oil and Gas.

Optomec's Ken Vartanian at IMTS 2016
Optomec’s Ken Vartanian at IMTS 2016. Photo by Michael Petch.

Texas and 3D printing

Texas is a popular location for 3D printing and tech events. Over in the state capital of Austin at SXSW in March, Shapeways CEO Peter Weijmarshausen and HP CTO Shane Wall discussed if 3D printing was the next industrial revolution while companies such as Aleph Objects and Dremel joined organizations like OSHWA on the expo floor. Even your editor at 3DPI spoke on a panel called, “3D Printed Food: Spam or Paté? You Decide.”

In August the 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium took place, and the following month the city was host to the first Gigaom Change leaders summit.

Founded in 1968 the LIA is professional society for laser applications and safety, the organization also hosted an event during IMTS in September this year. If you thought IMTS or any of the other events mentioned in this article were one of the best events during 2016, why not nominate it for a 3D Printing Industry Award?

Featured image via LIA.