3D Printing

Interview with Designer of Wild RepRaps, Nicholas Seward

Four days before my wedding, I had the gall to engage RepRapper Nicholas Seward in an impromptu video interview.  In it, we discuss the birth of the RepRap Wally at the Maker Faire, the success of the RepRap Simpson (which won second place in the Gada Prize), Nicholas’s introduction to 3D printing, and where he sees the future of his designs.

Watch my first video interview below!

An Informal with Nicholas Seward, Inventor of the RepRap Simpson and Wally from RealityInc on Vimeo.

It’s been about a month since the chat and, since then, Nicholas has released the files for Wally, a fellow ‘Rapper’ has developed a Simpson derivative, and Nick is beginning to design a 1-arm, laser cut, scara bot. He’s also got some other projects in the works, but doesn’t want to spill them into the world without first planning out all of the details, double checking his math and making some prototypes. Based on his previous designs, I can assume that his future projects will be very ambitious!

A big thank you to Nick for taking the time to speak with me.

Image Source: the RepRap Forum