

The 3D printing industry is gaining a lot of attention — not just from the media, but from many entrepreneurs entering the space as well. One segment that seems to be of particular interest at the moment is the the emerging business opportunities for selling and buying 3D printed goods online. The first quarter of 2013 has already seen at least ten or so new start-ups launching their services under the “3D printing market place” banner, and more new ones continue to enter the space. The latest newcomer is Fabbit, a US based team raising funds for their new company.

Fabbit’s main differentiator is that it focuses on being a design market place, where you can customise and combine existing designs without having to upload your own designs. Once you have completed your own creation you can share it with your friends via social networks. The founding team is now raising funds via the AngelList website where you can check their latest fundraising info.

The race is now on for several of these newcomers to see what kind of traction they can get amongst the more established competition such as Shapeways, Ponoko, Sculpteo and others. There is no doubt that if the industry keeps growing in the coming years, as many people predict, there is room for many players such a Fabbit – assuming that they find unique and interesting angles to service their customers .

Fabbit’s business model is based on commission from the items sold via their site, as well as vendor partnerships and premium subscriptions. We will be closely following up on all the latest news from these start ups to how see how the business models evolve in this fast moving space.

You can view Fabbit’s video pitch for their fund raising below.

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