
EOS Upgrade Metal Additive Machine: The M 290

Leading additive manufacturing brand EOS has announced an upgrade to its industrial metal 3D printer range in the form of the EOS M 290, which will replace the EOS M 280. With an onus upon applications that require high quality assurance such as aerospace and medical, this Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) machine features an increased level of monitoring functions, for the build process, and the machine itself. The M 290 features the staples that have made the series popular, along with some exciting advances.

Dr. Adrian Keppler, CMO at EOS said, “EOS has incorporated proven elements from the M 280 system generation in the new EOS M 290, but at the same time, the EOS M 290 also allows us to set new standards in Additive Manufacturing while expanding our product portfolio for metal applications and extending our innovation leadership in terms of quality management and monitoring. This new system is designed to serve the requirements of our serial-production customers. At the same time, we have also created new optimisation potential in terms of build quality for customers from the prototyping space.”

eos290 EOS 3D PrinterThe M 290’s features include:

EOSTATE PowderBed, a camera built into the process chamber, which monitors the powder bed by following powder deposition via still images.

EOSTATE Base ensures the consistent monitoring of a range of parameters, including the position of the Z axis or scanner, laser power, air humidity, temperature and pressure.

EOSTATE LaserMonitoring measures the laser power throughout the entire build period.The system is equipped with a 400 Watt laser, which is characterised by its high radiation quality and stability of performance.

EOS ParameterEditor, to allow them to modify a range of exposure parameters. The tool enables customers to develop their own parameters for specific applications on the basis of the EOS parameter sets. These include laser power and exposure speed or strategy. A new version of the Parameter Editor is currently under development, which will also allow modification of layer thickness, inert gas stream, build platform temperature, and skip layers.

The EOS M 290 can be operated under an inert (nitrogen) atmosphere or under argon, which permits processing of a great breadth of materials including light alloys, superalloys, stainless and tool-grade steels.