e-NABLE, the organization behind the original 3D printed prosthetic hand, is reaching out to the 3D printing community to crowdsource the largest donation of 3D printed hands ever in order to meet requests for over 1,000 hands from all over the world. e-NABLE is, thus, teaming up with 3DPrinterOS and Universities and organizations, such as Florida State, Purdue, Duke, Mind-to-Matter and Fargo 3D, to 3D print as many hands as possible.
“We challenge the 3d printing industry as a whole to take the time to print at least one hand to help eNABLE meet their goals. Working with e-NABLE and utilizing our network of printers is a prime example of how 3d printing can affect real change and this is just the beginning,” said John Dogru, CEO of 3DPrinterOS.
The Raptor Reloaded hand file has been added as a stock project into 3DPrinterOS, which includes mailing instructions for each hand kit completed. The online 3D printer remote operating system is ideal in coordinating the efforts of multiple 3D printers in multiple locations and is taking an active role in promoting this initiative. Among other things, 3DPrinterOS will be giving away t-shirts to the first 30 users of its system who print and mail the hand kits to e-NABLE at: Attn: Melina Brown, 216 S 8th St. Opelika, AL 36801. And the user who prints and sends the most hands by September 15 will receive a Raspberry Pi 2.
“We’re looking forward to being involved with the e-NABLE project and helping to get more hands printed. We’re excited to be able to offer a discount on our materials to help that happen,” said John Schneider, of Fargo 3D Printing. The team at Fargo 3D Printing will be offering 25% off all orders on 3domusa through September 15, with the promo code ENABLE25.
Inspired by two strangers (a prop maker from the USA and a carpenter from South Africa) that came together from 10,000 miles apart, e-NABLE has grown into a global movement that is also one of the clearest examples of both open source shared creativity and distributed manufacturing. What originally started out as a couple of guys who created something to help one child is now a worldwide movement of over 5,500 among tinkerers, engineers, 3D print enthusiasts, occupational therapists, university professors, designers, parents, families, artists, students, teachers and people who just want to make a difference.
Hand kits allow e-NABLE to provide hands to those in the remotest parts of the world. Since these hands are assembled by groups through assembly events, additional lives are also enriched through the realization that what is created will impact the life of another individual in a meaningful way. “With the help of the larger 3d printing community, we hope to provide several thousand hands over the next two years and reach those in the remote areas that need them most. No contribution is too large or too small, together we can change the world,” said Melina Brown, Director of Operations at eNABLE.
Anyone who prints a hand is encouraged to post it to social media with the hashtag: #enablethefuture. The 3D printing community certainly does not need any further encouragement to embrace virtuous initiatives such as these; however, it is clear that the entire industry has been and will continue to benefit enormously from the benefits and visibility that e-NABLE has brought to just about every corner of the world. Now its time to give back a thousand hands.