3D Printing

ColorFabb Introduces BrassFill 3D Printing Filament

Dutch 3D printing filament manufacturer ColorFabb has added another metallic material to its Special Filaments range. BrassFill is the newest material in a line of filaments introduced in 2014 that includes metallic CopperFill and BronzeFill and wood filaments like WoodFill and BambooFill.

3d printed brassfill_torsoFounded in 2013, ColorFabb has quickly become one of the 3D printing industry’s premiere filament manufacturers. The multidisciplinary team behind ColorFabb is producing a wide variety of new materials adapted for 3D printing applications. BrassFill is currently in the testing phase and will be made available for pre-order in January 2015, with fulfillment dates estimated to be in February 2015.

Here is a short video on the ColorFabb filament production and distribution system:

colorfabb 3d printed brassfill_goldbarThe new BrassFill material is based on a completely new PLA formulation that is proprietary to ColorFabb. BrassFill is a PLA based filament that has been combined with real brass powder. It completely meets RoHS safety standards and is REACH compliant. Objects printed with the metallic material can be easily polished and take on a shiny, golden tone. The pictures in this article have all been 3D printed from BrassFill on an Ultimaker 2 and polished by a professional polishing company.

ColorFabb filaments have been pretty widely regarded as some of the best in the industry, and their metallics are some of the more interesting and versatile materials on the market. Polishing 3D printed metallic plastics isn’t always easy, but it is well worth the effort.

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