
Celebrating the 4th of July with 3D printing on Independence Day

Today is American Independence Day.

To celebrate the 4th of July, 3D printing platform MyMiniFactory has put together a collection of 3D printable objects. Here is a short selection of what is on offer:

Mini Captain America – Civil war edition

Designer Ramon Angosto Artigues writes, “Mini Captain America is based on @Wekster figures style, not as good as his models but quite decent. I’ve made three more figures that i will upload once i check it’s printability.The models are Captain America Infinity War version, Saitama (One Punch Man) and Superman.

Mini Captain America - Civil war edition by Ramon Angosto.
Mini Captain America – Civil war edition by Ramon Angosto.

Get the model here.

4th of July Eagle Statue

This design is from MakePrintable. The 4th of July Eagle Statue is a support free 3D printable Bald Eagle Statue. The designer recommends using 20% infill.

4th of July Eagle on MyMiniFactory.
4th of July Eagle on MyMiniFactory.

The Fourth of July Party Pack

Mosaic Manufacturing has a party pack including an American bottle opener, Coasters, USA flag, a stick with star at the end. The flag is described as, “great for cupcakes and the like” while the star is, “great for drinks and to wave around.”

You can download the 3D printable files here.

Browse the full 4th of July 3D printing collection on MyMiniFactory here.

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Featured image shows Mini Captain America – Civil war edition by Ramon Angosto.

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