In the past month, objects like the one above began popping up on Thingiverse published by user by the name Shiv Integer. What would only become clear to the community through a bit of sleuthin…
Investigation on Eora 3D Scanner IndieGogo Campaign
As reported earlier this week, crowdfunding has served as a proving ground of sorts for 3D scanning and printing, where only a select few campaigns have shipped an actual product to backers tha…
Dubai now claiming to be world's 3D print capital
Dubai is back at it again, promising to build the city of the future, today. As a part of a “comprehensive strategy to exploit 3D technology to serve humanity,” the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Moham…
What is 3D Printing Art Really?
The occasion of international sculpture day serves as good excuse to survey how 3D printing has influenced the fine arts and assess whether the technology’s potential to “disrupt” has been fully reali…