Disney has been a force in the 3D printing world for some time, but now it has filed for a series of new patents that could disrupt the entire industry. The most significant of the wide range of paten…
3D Systems Signs CEO on $23 Million Mega Contract
Vyomesh Joshi is the new CEO of 3D Systems and he could be set to earn more than $23.3 Million over three years if he can turn this troubled firm around. The six-month search for a new CEO ended on Ap…
CATA Set to Change Manufacturing
The Centre for Additive Technology Advancement has opened in Pittsburgh and if it lives up to its potential, the General Electric-owned company could change the entire face of manufacturing. &n…
Avatar in Real Life, Thanks to 3D Printing
Avatar was cool, but it was just Hollywood right? Well no. Now there are real-life avatars roaming the streets, giving sick kids in hospital the chance to ‘get out’ into the world. Richard Huls…
Gifts For Geeks: The 3D Printed Neck Tie
What do you get for the self-confessed geek who has everything? Well if you’re struggling for gift ideas, how about a 3D printed tie with a camera in the plate? Check out the store at 3DTie.com…