3D Printing

PlenGoer, the printable open-source humanoid


The printable open-source humanoid will be visible for the first time in China at CES Asia 2016 held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) between 11 and 13 May 2016.

PLENGoer Robotics Inc was Founded in 2016 and develops personal service robots to achieve a realization of technology for a more affluent human life.

“PLEN2” is the result of two years of product development by PLEN Project Inc.

Since it is open-source, it can be a platform for educators interested in bringing the engagement of robotics into STEM-related curriculum in school classrooms. The booth is in the North 1 building, #1132.
As a sales agent in China, they also have an assembling and programming workshop, and are planning to demonstrate remote controlling of PLEN2 between Shanghai and Tokyo with Japanese technology startup, “Realglobe Inc.”.

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