3DP Applications

3D printing in medicine gets its own title

The world of medical 3D printing is moving at a frightening pace and it makes sense that this niche industry now gets its own journal.

The Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine isn’t the flashiest title in the world, but it certainly does what it says on the tin. This Future Medicine title will chronicle advances in the field of bioprinting and other breakthroughs that can be applied to the medical world.

From plastic hips to bioprinted hearts

It seems like yesterday when additive printed plastic hips were hailed as the latest breakthrough and now we can bioprint bone, skin and we’ve even got early prototypes of fully functioning hearts. Printed organ transplants are now a reality and the industry is simply charging forward.

Indeed the only real limits to its applications seem to be imagination, budget and a collaborative spirit that unites the medical and technical community. If advances in the industrial world can be fully harnessed in the medical sector, and vice versa, progress could be even faster.

It may be going too far to suggest that a journal can bring the community together, but it is a step in the right direction.

Even 3D printing aficionados are struggling to keep up with the constant march of progress and an industry journal could keep us all abreast of the latest developments.

Peer reviews should keep it impartial

This is a peer-reviewed publication, which should ensure an even and level approach and keep the snake oil salesmen in check. The title aims to present the key data, as well as commentary and analysis, so the scientific community will be able to draw their own conclusions about any research that is presented.

The Editor-in-Chief is Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher (Queensland University of Technology, Australia). He is a world-renowned expert in biomechanics and tissue engineering, so is ideally placed to lead the team that will inevitably include thought leaders, as well as a support team of writers and editors.

What will it cover?

The Journal intends to cover a broad range of subject matter and will include:

  • Prosthetics and implants
  • Tissue construction and reconstruction
  • Medical devices including hearing aids and dental implants
  • Transplant organs
  • Surgical guides and procedures as relates to bioprinted material
  • Biological materials
  • Research and development advances in the 3D printing world
  • Regulatory and safety issues
  • Finance issues and major industry news
  • Patent issues
  • Crossover technology from other industries

The journal has a ready-made delivery platform and audience after securing a deal with 3DMedNet, so existing members of the site will get access to a limited portion of the journal for free. It’s a simple tactic that should ensure a steady subscriber base upon which the team can build.

There will be a print edition to complement the online material, which will be distributed to major libraries, significant hospitals and, of course, to individual subscribers that want the latest information.

Of course the title is keen to receive papers and other material from the industry at large and has put out an open call for companies and individuals to submit material. If you want to feature your content in the journal, then contact Commissioning Editor Laura Dormer [email protected]


More information is available on the website: http://www.futuremedicine.com/loi/3dp

We wish them well and hope this journal is the start of a growing trend. Bioprinting technology is simply mindblowing right now and any positive step towards clarity in an industry that is moving at breakneck speed just has to be a good thing for us all.