In a development that has certainly been a long time coming, the World’s Advanced Saving Project (WASP) has officially started experimenting at its open-air construction site, cleverly called a techn…
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Pokemon GO is not just virtual thanks to Ilfracombe man
By now, anyone with internet access is very much aware of the Pokemon GO craze that is currently sweeping the world. Having already sent shockwaves from Sydney to New York, the virtual gaming app fina…
Purps the Penguin: the cutest 3D printing story ever!
In what is perhaps the the most adorable development in the 3D printing world, some inspiring students, a few hardworking vets and a team of generous 3D printing experts all worked together to help ou…
One Click Printing for All: An Interview With Skriware
From a small dream to an insanely successful Kickstarter campaign to your very own living room, Polish-Swedish 3D printing innovator Skriware is quickly making an inspiring leap from startup to indust…
Pokémon Go 3D Printed Goodies you NEED!
Pokémon Go is finally being released across the globe, and the hype is real! Which team are you part of? Who did you pick as your starter Pokémon? For those who don’t know what Pokémon Go is, it…
Gorilla Maker Keeps Local Values Close & Local Workers Closer
When thinking of big tech industry headquarters, specifically ones specializing in 3D printing technology, one’s mind usually leans toward the futuristic glass complexes in California’s Si…
Giant 3D Printed Spongebob!
Yep. I mean it. I’m pretty sure at this very moment you’ve decided you want one too. 3DShook has 3D printed a 70cm tall, 6.5kg Spongebob Square-Pants, who made his debut at the VIVA Tech s…
Barclays brings 3D printing to the British masses
Barclays Eagle Labs has linked up with MyMiniFactory to take 3D printing to the masses with sponsored Fab Labs throughout the UK. Could this be the push that 3D printing needs to go mainstream? It cou…
10 3D Printed Drones to Satisfy Your Inner Pilot
The world of 3D printing is definitely a fun one, full of endless creativity and innovation. In my opinion, some of the best things (for now) to ever come out of 3D printers are DIY drones. Nothing fe…
Your Table Can Recognise Your Coffee?
Multi touch tables with recognition software could become a permanent fixture in your local Starbucks, your break times might feel all the more sci-fi… Ideum has announced the unveiling of their…